3D Medical Lab is een innovatief Utrechts bedrijf dat wordt geleid door Technisch Geneeskundige. In het figuur is een 3D geprint model zichtbaar van een hart (ca 7cm x 8cm x 10cm).

Train your vascular anastomosis skills

To improve your skills in creating a vascular anastomosis, you can use our elastic 3D printed (vascular) models. The strength and elasticity of our material are so similar to the human vessels that the experience of stitching will approach reality.
Do you want to check whether you have created the perfect anastomosis? Our 3D models are perfectly suited for the flow of liquids through it; The ideal opportunity for you to check for potential seam leakage.
€ 18,-
2x vascular vessel model with length of 10 cm and (inner) diameter of 6mm of 8mm
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3D Medical Lab is onderdeel van :
Technical Medicine Solutions B.V.
Oudegracht 275C
3511NN Utrecht
The Netherlands

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